For those who Believe!

This is a post to myself (aren’t they all in a way?)

But I think… and I believe God is real.

He is all-powerful, he is the creator, he is all-knowing.

I can say that I believe that. But do I waver?

It’s a bit of struggle becomes sometimes I want control. I want to decide things. But in the end isn’t it God’s choice?

Maybe so far this post been a little vague. But God’s providence comes up everywhere.

What should you do politically? How should you vote? who ideas should you support? Who has control over what happened to you at work? home? or to your favorite sports team?

If you have a great idea or think you should vote one way does it matter? Well isn’t God in charge of it all?

Maybe not. But more likely he is.

Let’s look at it practically.

To be truly effectual in politics do ‘politics’ even matter? Or does it matter how many people are believers? People’s belief system (we all have one) affects how people vote but more so it affects how they act. How they treat other people around them. It eliminates the politics from the equation. Who cares what amount of government spending (aka people’s money) goes were? (like we do a good job of tracking it) Can you support your community members financially and cognitively? Can you give to your local church? Can’t the church be a greater force than giving it to whatever government entity is in charge? Doesn’t following a particular belief system create a stronger social community than just supporting whatever random political figure gains power?

The big point to be made is, with the problems in the world what should we truly be worried about? How much exhaust a car gives off? what a certain political figure is doing? who won an election? what bills are being passed? How someone might not feel good about their outward appearance? What someone wants to be called or not called? How someone might not have got the job they wanted? Not go into the school they wanted? Felt bad about how someone treated them? …or if they’ve been saved by Jesus Christ?

Some of those might seem important, but isn’t only one truly import? Truly, truly I saw to you.

What I come back to is, am I actually thinking and acting like a believer? Do I question God’s Authority? God’s Power? God’s Knowledge?

Is it not me who is limited in authority, power and knowledge? and shouldn’t I be patient and faithful in his ways?


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