Sports “analysts”

Everyone who watches sports is, in a way, a sports analyst.

Is there school to go to become an analyst? Is there credentialing? There can be but generally there isn’t.

That’s one of the great things about sports. Anyone can be an analyst.

Pro athletes are likely aware that what is reported in the news is nothing close to reality.

Fake trades, fake arguments, fake contracts, fake breakups and makeups. Almost anything is put out there to get views.

Now I have called into question the media talking heads ability.

Obviously, I’d argue many in the media are in the media for a reason. They can’t cut in the real thing. Their skillset deficiencies get exposed.

Having said that they do have their place. Often, they are entertaining, having a unique perspective and can hold an audience. Lots of the people with positions on a major league sports team wouldn’t fit in the entertainment world. There are certain talents that are better suited for entertainment but might not matter much to an organization trying to compete.

But that’s why with all media we have to realize the media doesn’t represent reality. It’s a distorted view. It can be entertaining but that’s where it’s main value is. In Entertainment.


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