Stories and Meaning

We looked at Why we watch.

We love stories.

We even love hearing the same stories we’ve heard before. A great example of this is Stephen Curry. We all know what he can do. It’s hard to argue he’s not the best shooter of all time. Yet it’s still enjoyable watching steph be steph.

Where’s another place we can look for stories that have been repeated throughout time? You might be able to guess since it’s the other theme of this site. It’s the Bible.

Told by the greatest story teller of all time. God.

God uses stories, prototypical characters, metaphors to apply across human history. It’s part of why the Bible still has complete relevance today. Babylon was a city in the past but can be seen in cities today. Jesus is the prototype of how man ought to act since he walked the earth. Ignoring God’s word caused the same hardships in the stories of the bible as it will today. Themes are seen throughout the bible.

Just because we’ve heard the stories before doesn’t mean they only apply to the past. They apply to the past present and future.


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