4 year-old’s Opinion on Wiggins

“He’s not a good player”

Now this 4 year-old likely couldn’t recognize Andrew Wiggins on the basketball court.

He’s likely heard that opinion from somewhere else and is just repeating it. That’s how a lot people get their opinions. They feel justified since they’ve heard it somewhere else and they know if they repeat what other people have said that they will be safe.

But it just goes to show that the opinions out there are absolutely meaningless if a 4 year-old can repeat it. It means that if you are just repeating what opinions are out there already they are equivalent to what a 4 year-old thinks.

Not a good player?

Does someone who is not a good player block Lebron “the King” James and then drill a 3 in his face?

He blocks Lebron playing man on man defense. This isn’t some chase down block, or a help defense block. A lot of people would likely think all blocks are the same.

Wiggins is 26. He’s already had a phenomenal career. He is easily one of the most talented players in the game. If someone is able to say why he isn’t a good player that’s great. But no on does or can. They just repeat what they’ve heard.

Nick Wright had to admit he was completely wrong on Wiggins after saying this last year. This just goes to show you the paid media pundits often don’t know what they are talking about.

To come to the conclusion that Wiggins isn’t a good player you either haven’t seen him play or have the basketball knowledge equivalent to a 4 year-old.


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